Mind Power

  • Know Yourself
  • Be Yourself
  • Put Yourself First
  • Be Passionate
  • Be Enthusiastic
  • Be Energetic
  • Be Alert
  • Be Inspired
  • Be Motivated
  • Think And Grow Rich


Enjoy as you read along.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Let go...

The tighter you try and hold on to something that you are afraid of losing, the more you are pushing it away. Those thoughts are filled with fear, and if you continue to persist, what you fear the most will come upon you.  The person who said this in the bible knew exactly what he was talking about -            " What I feared came upon me".
Watch out for the next blog - Detachment-

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Please practice this...
Never let a day pass without looking for the good, feeling the good within you, praising, appreciating, blessing, and being grateful.
Make it your life commitment, and you will stand in utter awe of what happens in your life.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Focus on Yourself

Whatever we focus our attention on is what grows and expands into our lives. The mind is like a magnifying glass that intensifies and brings closer whatever the object is under it’s gaze. You’ll notice that when you focus your mind on the feeling of bliss (a pure lightness of being that is free from all worries and concerns) you magnify and magnetize that higher experience into your life. You instantly become a “bliss magnet” and start attracting all sorts of positive easy flowing situations. If you remain connected with this feeling for several hours, then out of the bliss arises an exquisite inner calm, which spontaneously ignites the recognition and experience of a fully awakened manifesting being who is vibrantly alive within you.

When you are 100% committed to one specific thing in your life, no matter what it is, all the energy of the Universe flows in that direction. There is a tremendous goldmine of power found in prioritization. You cannot feel powerless, weak or a victim to anything in your life when you discover this secret. You can simply change the priority of your mind’s attention and those new manifestations will form for you. The day that bliss becomes the #1 priority, all your problems, illnesses, fears and limitations will miraculously drop away! Yes, miraculous changes can occur overnight when you prioritize the feeling of bliss over everything else. This doesn’t mean you give up feeding your children or going to work, you just do it all from a place of joy, freedom and bliss.

The benefits of making a close relationship with bliss are incalculable. For starters, you become a bright ball of happiness for everyone to enjoy! People will wake up from just walking beside you along your path. You may notice that others are unconsciously attracted to you, and love your company simply because you’re vibrating at this higher frequency. A new world of opportunities will open its doors for you, and success will come bowing down caressing your feet. In bliss vibration, you can never manifest a health problem, a financial issue nor a relationship challenge because your frequency just won’t allow for it. When bliss is the priority you’ll be having too much fun creating Heaven on Earth, playing the role of an enlightened joy-filled bridge.

The more often your body is resonating at this bliss frequency, the more connected you feel to an unlimited source of energy. With infinite energy its super easy to manifest anything you want into your world. Just by touching the surface of bliss, the world begins begging you to give even a little of your attention over. Bliss is one of the most desired and coveted experiences one can have, and the best news of all is that it’s always free. You cannot purchase bliss or trade anything in this world for this enlightened state. It is your natural birthright, and to access it you simply become open, available and willing to experience something from the beyond.

Perhaps you’re someone who thinks you’ve never experienced bliss or has forgotten what bliss used to feel like, or are unsure that you’ve truly experienced it in the past. It’s good to know that as babies we each came into this world as a bubbling ball of bliss. Heck, 9 months prior to your birth your first cells were forming out of an orgasm, so what else should you expect? Bliss is your very nature, and always was the basic structure for being human. It wasn’t until you were conditioned to believe otherwise that it became hidden. So if you aren’t feeling your daily bliss, just know that this jubilant experience is buried underneath the busyness, within the stillness, and is always ready for you to experience it at your core.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


In life we can never bring anything to us unless we are grateful for what we have. In fact, if somebody was completely and utterly grateful for everything, they would never have to ask for anything, because it would be given to them before they even asked. If we practise gratitude, we have everything to gain but if we practise grumbling, we have much to lose.

That is the power of Gratitude.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Give it all

In order to be the best you can be - give it all.
Yesterday I was more than fortunate to receive this revelation that in order to succeed at anything, do it whole heartily without grumbling. Its either you do it or you don't, if you decide to do it, do it with all of  your heart.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

For your own benefit

The fastest way to become the Master of your thoughts and emotions is through challenging situations. If your life is going along fairly smoothly, there are not the same opportunities that enable you to strengthen your power and become the Master of your thoughts and emotions.

You see, even challenges are beautiful opportunities in disguise.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Renew your mind

                                         Renew Your Mind

By the renewing of our mind we enter into a new arena, an arena that determines
the quality of  future we will have. You can renew your mind for the better or worse,
we always have a choice as human beings. Believe it or not but we choose the kind of
lifestlye to live, there's nothing that affects us by coincidence.

As as man thinketh so shall it be. Dominating the way you think
is the most crucial technique any human being should take the lead on.

If you fail to harness the way you think, there are preys who are always
ready to engulf you. Preys ready to change your perception drowning you to the deep blue sea.

In practically, guide your thoughts everytime, dont allow negetive thoughts
flow into your mind. Always fill your mind with positive thoughts.
As I always say: a  man is made up of character, character is made up of
habits, habits are made up of actions. Gradually take good continuous actions those acions will form
habits then that will be new YOU. You are known by your habits.